Project Katutubong Pilipino is constantly evolving and we are always looking for new and insightful ways to get our message out. We are in this for the long haul and to continue the work we are doing we need support in a number of different ways. Sponsoring an outreach program, helping with monetary donations for our next documentary, providing us with useful contacts, or helping to get the word out on social media are all ways one can help. If you have an idea of how you may be able to support Project Katutubong Pilipino please feel free to contact us with your suggestions or questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

In partnership with Blue Earth Alliance individuals can now support Project Katutubong Pilipino with tax-exempt charitable donations

We rely on the generosity of individuals to continue doing this important work.

You will be taken to Blue Earth Alliance’s website where you can donate by clicking on “Support This Project” or by selecting ‘Project Katutubong Pilipino’ from the dropdown menu on Blue Earth’s DONATE page. All donations are tax-exempt in the United States with 501(c)(3) charitable status. Blue Earth believes documentary photography can inspire positive change.

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